Strategies to Enhance Diversity in Faculty 招聘: Stages of a Successful Search

预搜索:  Begin addressing the issue of diversity as you prepare your proposal for a position. 作为一个部门/项目,你们有多多样化, 这个职位对丰富你的课程有何帮助? 您将采用什么策略来招募多样化的候选人? 你将在哪里做广告,与谁建立网络? All members of the department/program should be included in these early conversations. Please raise any questions or concerns when the Dean and Diversity Officer meet with department members or prior to completing 预先查册表格(表格1). 在表格上签字, the 教师多样性 Officer confirms that the search committee is diversely constituted, and the plan for advertising and outreach follows best recruitment practices (see below).​

遴选委员会组成: 遴选委员会本身应该具有不同的代表性. 例如, 委员会是否反映了一系列的教员级别, genders, 视角, 智力方法?  是否有人被不公平地排除在外? Is the composition of the committee well suited for recruiting a diverse pool of candidates? Remember that the search committee is recruiting—not just evaluating—potential candidates.

广告: Will you place the ad in venues that will be seen by a diverse range of candidates? Will not placing the ad somewhere undermine your chances of attracting a strong and diverse pool of candidates? In addition to including the College’s template language about affirmative action and equal opportunity, could the ad be worded in a way that somehow showcases curricular or campus diversity? Beyond discipline-specific and interdisciplinary professional associations and publications, 考虑以下投放广告的渠道:

多样性:高等教育中的问题 女科学家协会 高等教育中的黑人杂志
面向未来的学院 (科学/工程) 西班牙裔在高等教育中的前景
促进奇卡诺人和美洲原住民在科学方面的发展协会 高等教育内部
高等教育中的女性 高等教育编年史
招聘: 要积极主动. 这个阶段的目标——有争议, 任何搜索中最重要的是招募最强的, 最多样化的候选人. Placing job ads in diversity-specific publications is insufficient for accomplishing this. 遴选委员会的所有成员都应进行密集的外展活动, 联系专业网络. 联系可能认识候选人的同事.g., department chairs of graduate programs) and to prospective candidates themselves.
有关建立强大的资源库的最佳实践和策略,请参见: 建造游泳池高等教育内部 (2012). 以下数据库和资源也可能有所帮助:
  • C3财团 (Creating Connections Consortium): A partnership involving the 20 members of the Liberal Arts Diversity Officers Consortium, 包括三一. 每年, all Trinity tenure-track faculty openings are shared with graduate students at Columbia and Berkeley. We will automatically submit your ad to the Consortium; chairs/directors are listed as the primary contact.
  • 文理学院教师多样性联盟: This is the same national database that Trinity uses to recruit the Ann Plato Fellow each year. 它也可用于进行搜索的部门/项目. 需要密码的请联系 西尔维娅DeMore.
  • 福特基金会研究员名录:福特基金会奖学金获得者的可搜索列表, awarded by the National Research Council based on academic excellence and a commitment to diversity and a career in academia.

评估候选人:  Search committee members should be aware and protect against common biases and assumptions in reviewing applications. 一旦委员会开会缩小候选范围, it should discuss explicitly the criteria guiding choices and the rationale for including or omitting candidates. The committee should address openly how various candidates could enhance the department/program’s diversity and excellence. For 第一轮查册表格(表格二), the Diversity Officer will want to ensure that diversity has been an integral part of the evaluation process and that the pool is sufficiently diverse to proceed. The chair of the search committee will also have to report, drawing on the report generated by the PeopleAdmin system and accessible only by the department’s/program’s administrative assistant that presents aggregate data on the number of minority and female applicants. 在整个过程中, 多样性应该被视为加强我们的师资力量和课程的一种手段, 不仅仅是清单上的一个项目.

In conducting any preliminary interviews over Skype or other videoconference technology, 遴选委员会必须尽一切努力对所有候选人一视同仁. Assessment criteria should be the same for all candidates, regardless of the technology used. 请看这里 的指导方针; and as with in-person interviews, avoid discriminatory questions or assumptions (e.g., 与年龄有关, race, 种族, gender, 国家的起源, 性取向, 婚姻或怀孕状况, 或残疾).

以下建议直接从 审查申请人:偏见和假设的研究 (女科学家 & 工程领导学院,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,2006年);

  • Strive to increase the representation of women and minorities in your applicant pool.
  • Learn about and discuss research on biases and assumptions and consciously strive to minimize their influence on your evaluation.
  • Develop evaluation criteria prior to evaluating candidates and apply them consistently to all applicants.
  • 花足够的时间(至少20分钟)评估每个申请人.
  • Evaluate each candidate’s entire application; don’t depend too heavily on only one element such as the letters of recommendation, 或者是学位授予机构或博士后项目的声望.
  • 能够为每一个淘汰或提升候选人的决定辩护.
  • 定期评估你的判断, determine whether women and underrepresented minorities are included in your pool, 并考虑评估偏差和假设是否会影响你的.
校园访问:  校园邀请不仅仅是评估候选人的机会. They are occasions to communicate with a candidate about the full range of the College’s resources and offerings, 包括对教师发展的支持. Ideally, candidates should be given the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of students whose feedback can then be solicited. Campus visits should be structured inclusively, introducing candidates to multiple communities. 在进行校内评估之前,搜索委员会将提交 入围者甄选表格(表格3).  当候选人访问校园时, search committees should be considering among other things how well a candidate would teach and mentor a diverse student body, and how the candidate’s own work could diversify the College’s curriculum and research profile.

最后的选择: The chair of the search committee should ensure that the committee reviews carefully all finalists, discussing explicitly how each candidate might enhance the department/program’s overall diversity. 在签署 招聘决定查询表格(表格4), 多元化官员会想要了解如何考虑多元化, 广泛的定义, 告知最终决定.

搜索结束: 完成搜索后, committee chairs are invited to communicate with the 教师多样性 Officer about effective strategies, 招聘的挑战, 制度的建议, etc. 在某些情况下, it may be helpful to hold meetings of recent and current search committee chairs to exchange views and lessons learned.